This is a loyalty Program under The Rangoon Hotel to reward loyal customers, with perks and discounts. They can register with us and earn points, after each stay, which can be used to redeem complimentary or future stays at lower rates.
Everyone is welcome to join us as a member and be rewarded for being our loyal customer as long as you are above 21 years off age.
Guaranteed discounts: You enjoy best guaranteed rates immediately after signing up and will get the best members’ rates always.
Free Stays: Use your earned points to redeem free future stays. With every qualified USD1 spent, you will earn 1 point. 50 Points will be equivalent to USD 1 during redemption.
Late check-out at 2PM: Enjoy early check-in and late check-out without extra charges.
Special rates for dining and event promotions: Receive members-only exclusive promotions and discounts.
Member ship is absolutely free. You will receive an email to reset your password upon sign-up. TO access any balance, feel free to login to your account.
Membership will be valid lifetime. Points earned will expire 2 years from date of issue.
Thanaka Loyalty Rewards points accumulation and redemption is only valid for The Rangoon Hotel at the moment. For redemption, login to your account and upon payment, you can key in the number of points which you would like to use for offsetting the outstanding amount.